Grand Magnolia

Grand Magnolia
The stunning leaves of the magnolia make for a bold statement with hydrangea and lotus pods to soften.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Autumn is on its way

We all yearn for summer in the winter months, when the air we breathe is exhaled in a plume of frosty steam, that only a hot coffee at 5am will make truly memorable.  I speak of course, of the weekly splosh around the flower markets at 5am.  I say 'splosh' due to the unavoidable wet feet you will endure should you decide not to wear your wellies.  With summer now in full throttle, we of course  are yearning for the cool afternoons and soft autumnal breezes that accompany that change of season.  With the cooler nights comes the change of colour and the inevitable change of fresh flowers available, but not to be forgotten is the amazing array of autumnal foliage too...maples, oaks, chestnuts, berries...coupled with rusty David Austen roses or rouge red orchids (for a textural delight).  I LOVE this time of year, it heralds the need for all to be more creative with their beauties...

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