Grand Magnolia

Grand Magnolia
The stunning leaves of the magnolia make for a bold statement with hydrangea and lotus pods to soften.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

French Champagne

I've done it.  I've actually eaten fine french food in a fine french restaurant in Woollahra, Sydney.  I am officially a HUGE fan of french food!!  Julia Childs watch out, I'm starting the experimental french cooking for my kids immediately!!
Aside from the degustation menu (that totally blew my socks off), the champagne was something else least the bottles were.  Yes, french champagne is divine, and doesn't even compare with Australian (it's FAR better), but the enchanting bottles this luscious liquid came from were even better (at least from the eccentric, creative types point of view...)
I actually asked the waitress whether she would mind parting with a few empty bottles.  My only defence at the total lack of class was that I was 2 glasses into the degustation...and LOVING it...happily, she agreed, and even disguised them for me in an old Myer bag so that I wouldn't look like a complete tosser walking out of a VERY high end French restaurant with three empty champagne bottles.
The idea is to use them somehow in an installation at my friend's cafe in Penshurst "TJs Coffee House".  Keep you posted, but in the meantime, enjoy the pic...

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