Grand Magnolia

Grand Magnolia
The stunning leaves of the magnolia make for a bold statement with hydrangea and lotus pods to soften.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Spring has finally arrived...and summer is not far away!

The Sydney weather has been nothing short of unpredictable...sunny one day, raining the next...  Although the weather hampers the outings with the kids somewhat, it does nothing to hamper the production of beautiful David Austen (DAs) roses!!!  I am over the moon with the selection available from my man at the Flemington markets.
I went on Friday and was there to gather info for my end of year display at Pearsons, but of course the DAs distracted me and pulled me towards them with their irresistible wafted through the markets and even managed to overtake the odd whiff of cigarette smoke that made it's unfortunate way to my nostrils...

Anyhoo...doing a trial for my wired bouquet piece tonight if I can manage to get the kids into bed by 730pm...wish me luck.  A bottle of red and a good ol favourite movie on in the background, and I should be able to get into bed by midnight...eugh.

Photos to follow...

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